[Alpha 1.02] First Public Release!

Hello everyone, this morning I'm releasing the first ever public version of my project : Necroflora.

This is still only an early prototype, being version Alpha 1.02.
It doesn't have a lot of content, but is a decently polished version that shows the main essence of the game.
Mind you that there's no audio and all the art is temporary.

I've started working on this project a bit back in June this year and then dropped it for other projects but since the start of October I decided to invest more time in this idea and eventually release it has a full game. So I made quite a bit of changes from that first version I had and this is now the result of that.

Necroflora takes inspiration from games like Vampire Survivor and Despot games. Where the player don't directly control how they attack and is more axed around management. My very first goal was just "What if Vampire Survivor but with a more RTS kind of feel" and Necroflora is what a came up with.

I think the design of the idea still need some work but it's getting somewhere and I actually find myself just playing it while playtesting which is definitely a good sign. Of course, in these kinds of games adding more content, upgrades, biomes, enemies, attack types, etc... will play a bit part of what makes it fun, coming up with weird combinations. So look out for that in the near future.

So on that note, please give that version a try and give me your opinion!
Thank you for spending your time with me,


Alpha 1.02.zip Play in browser
Oct 22, 2024


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I think you'll really benefit from giving a little tutorial (even in the game description to tell me how to get started) because I can't figure out what to do even with the controls menu.

Sorry you felt this way! There should be a 8 step tutorial that appears on the left side of the screen when you start a game, but it's very basic, don't know if you saw that. But I'm already reworking it and the experience should be better in the next version.

I think the web version is behind, actually. The downloaded Windows version has exactly what I was looking for. 
This is a really solid prototype! I'm definitely looking forward to more. I had a lot of success stacking up all my upgrades on one branch type. That'll be an interesting design problem for you to solve, since that was probably not the intended behaviour. Having mutually exclusive upgrades in the future (eg, an "ice" upgrade that slows and a "fire" upgrade that does AoE), might be one way to encourage a more complex build.
Also, it seems like all the upgrades give a percentage of the base values only (eg a 10% price increase always increases the price by 5). I'm not sure if this is intentional but it struck me as weird enough i figured I'd mention it here. 

Oh wow thanks, just realized that the web version wasn't updated, it was playing version 1.00 instead of the current 1.02. Just updated all versions to 1.03 with some quality of life changes.

Has for the upgrades, yes the goal is to eventually have each plant have different uses / skills. So you could have one that is close quarter and does a lot of damage, one that's super slow but shoots massive AoEs, one with a chain lightning that also puts enemies to sleep, etc... This is the system I'm currently working on and should be coming in the near future.