[Alpha 1.10] New version release

Hello fellow Necromancers,
Today I bring you with an improved version of our collective pet of destruction : Necroflora

Upgrade Changes - 3 New Upgrades :
Which also had me work on upgrades that do more then just stat increase, like pestilence which give an aura that deals damage and freeze, which well, freeze heroes. Flowers also now have a stat showing a percentage of chance they have to trigger those effects. It should now be easier to add more of those.

New Flowers - 2 New Flowers :
In the previous version while you had 3 color of plants, they all did the same thing, shooting simple projectile. I now create 2 new different type. Storm, which is an AoE plant and Synthesize which is a flower that generate more bones for more income.

New Enemies - 2 New Enemies :
Addition of the farmer and pig enemies, which both are low health low attack heroes that that won't charge at the plant and will only attack it if close.

New Biome - 1 New Biome :
The farm, is the latest biome, spawning a few spawner that have a chance to either spawn a farmer or a pig. Those are very low threat biomes that allow you to get some easy bones to expand further.

Visual Changes :
I did quite some work on the overall look of the game, the  world should be closer to what I want it too look like down the road.  Flower heads now have an actual sprite, there's more plant tile variations and more colors that are picked somewhat randomly for now. As well has some changes to the ui but this is bound to change some more.

Conclusion :
As usual I'm very grateful to anyone who tries my project and leave feedback has this helps quite a lot on improving the game.

I also had to do some changes on my calendar, or at least how I viewed the development of the project. I fell a bit in a slump at the start of november but we're now back on track and progress is steady. I also a lot of improvement I want to add to the general flow of the game. Then we can have a more content. While I know it's not a perfect game and the general design has quite many flaws, I think this project might reach a small niche and finally I'm mostly making this project for myself to prove myself that I can indeed release a game.

On that note, have a wonderful week fellow necromancers and I'll see you in the next update!
- Sukkoy


Necroflora_web_alpha_110.zip Play in browser
83 days ago
Necroflora_Windows_110.zip 28 MB
83 days ago
Necroflora_Linux_110.zip 22 MB
83 days ago

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